# Start a local 2k net

This document describes how to start a local 2k network on Ubuntu system.


2k network doesn't work on CentOS, see this issue (opens new window) for more details.

# Deploy venus components

Please refer to this document (opens new window) for compiling and running of venus chain services (venus shared modules).

# venus-auth

Start venus-auth.

$ nohup ./venus-auth run > auth.log 2>&1 &

# token list
$ ./venus-auth token list
# user list
$ ./venus-auth user list

# venus-gateway

Start venus-gateway.

$ nohup ./venus-gateway --listen=/ip4/ run --auth-url= --auth-token=<venus-auth token> > gateway.log 2>&1 &

# wallet
$ ./venus-gateway wallet list
# miner
$ ./venus-gateway miner list

# venus

Generate pre-sealed files and data.

$ ./venus seed pre-seal --sector-size 2048 --num-sectors 2
$ ./venus seed genesis new localnet.json
$ ./venus seed genesis add-miner localnet.json ~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json


seed pre-seal need root privileges, please execute under root user.

Run venus

$ nohup ./venus daemon --make-genesis=devgen.car --genesis-template=localnet.json --network=2k --auth-url= --auth-token=<auth token> > venus.log 2>&1 &

As a public service component, venus needs to modify the configuration file when it needs to monitor different IPs. .venus/config.json


To allow connection from different IP address, you need to change apiAddress of .venus/config.json to the following.

"apiAddress": "/ip4/",

# venus-message

venus-auth manages the jwt tokens used by other venus components so that they can communicate with each other securely on the network. Generate tokens for shared modules.

# --perm specifies admin, sign, write or read permission of the token generated
$ ./venus-auth token gen --perm admin <SHARED>


is the name of the token, which could be anything you want.

Generate tokens for storage provider id t01000 and venus-wallet.

$ ./venus-auth user add test
$ ./venus-auth user miner add test t01000
$ ./venus-auth token gen --perm write test


"test" is token name like , which could be anyhing you want.

List token and user.

$ ./venus-auth user list
number: 1
name: test
miner: f01000
sourceType: 0   // miner:1
state 0         // 0: disable, 1: enable
createTime: Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:36:00 CST
updateTime: Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:36:00 CST

$ ./venus-auth token list
num     name            perm            createTime              token
1       share-test      admin   2021-08-05 09:27:56     eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoic2hhcmUtdGVzdCIsInBlcm0iOiJhZG1pbiIsImV4dCI6IiJ9.q3Euz4CwlqlLCTUciT4gkee6au_zhhyUAkyTXlkG51E
2       test            write   2021-08-05 09:36:44     eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYW1lIjoidGVzdCIsInBlcm0iOiJ3cml0ZSIsImV4dCI6IiJ9.X8L5SWVzoRpr5X5hEOAh17n22zOgfkla7POva0zCihY
nohup ./venus-messager run \
--auth-url= \
--node-url=/ip4/ \
--gateway-url=/ip4/ \
--auth-token=<SHARED_ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN> \
--db-type=sqlite \
> msg.log 2>&1 &


db-type also supports mysql in the following format.

--db-type=mysql --mysql-dsn "<USER>:<PASSWORD>@("

2k network is expected to produce a block every 4 seconds. Change configuratoin of WaitingChainHeadStableDuration to 2 seconds to accomodate this.

# default 8s
  WaitingChainHeadStableDuration = "2s"

# venus-miner

# venus-miner

# init miner repo
./venus-miner init --auth-api= \
 --gateway-api=/ip4/ \
 --api=/ip4/ --token=<SHARED_ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN> \
 --slash-filter local


Hold starting venus-miner at this point as venus-sealer hasn't been started yet.

# Genesis node

# venus-wallet

$ nohup ./venus-wallet run > wallet.log 2>&1 &

# set password
$ ./venus-wallet setpwd
Enter Password again:******

# import wallet
$ ./venus-wallet import ~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.key

# List
$ ./venus-wallet list

Set up access to venus-gateway.

# Change `~/.venus_wallet/config.toml`
RegisterAPI = ["/ip4/"]
# Account names
SupportAccounts = ["test"]


Make sure venus-wallet is running and connected to gateway or you won't be able to sign a produced block.

Restart venus-wallet and unlock venus-wallet after restarting.

$ ./venus-wallet unlock

Check if connection is successful by going through logs of venus-gateway.

2021-08-05T10:01:07.665+0800    INFO    event_stream    walletevent/wallet_conn_mgr.go:89       add wallet connection   {"channel": "58309445-87da-4160-831a-44e5236ab3c7", "walletName": "test", "addrs": ["t3sjhgun7xcklmyga6x3c5sq6pbncdlmrjmepfz7ms4fuqimtk4fida37dhq7kpq3tn7nyu5hpnn7mtp3a7lia"], "support": {"test":{}}, "signBytes": "6VzoKBejPzmFp/DvJzSO16s5SziYZKYjU2l2EkDUKy0="}
2021-08-05T10:01:07.666+0800    INFO    event_stream    walletevent/wallet_event.go:79  add new connections test 58309445-87da-4160-831a-44e5236ab3c7

Or use following command.

$ ./venus-gateway wallet list
                "Account": "test",
                "SupportAccounts": [
                "ConnectStates": [
                                "Addrs": [
                                "ChannelId": "58309445-87da-4160-831a-44e5236ab3c7",
                                "Ip": "",
                                "RequestCount": 0,
                                "CreateTime": "2021-08-05T10:01:06.261321253+08:00"


The above log indicates that the wallet is registered on gateway thus enabling the signing of messages.

# venus-sealer

init genesis-miner t01000.

$ ./venus-sealer --network=2k init --genesis-miner --actor=t01000 --sector-size=2048 --pre-sealed-sectors=~/.genesis-sectors --pre-sealed-metadata=~/.genesis-sectors/pre-seal-t01000.json --nosync \
--node-url=/ip4/ \
--messager-url=/ip4/ \
--gateway-url=/ip4/ \

Start venus-sealer.

$ nohup ./venus-sealer --network=2k run --nosync > sealer.log 2>&1 &

$ ./venus-sealer info
Chain: [sync behind! (15h45m53s behind)] [basefee 100 pFIL]
Sealer: t01000 (2 KiB sectors)
Power: 40 Ki / 40 Ki (100.0000%)
        Raw: 4 KiB / 4 KiB (100.0000%)
        Committed: 4 KiB
        Proving: 4 KiB
Projected average block win rate: 20024.16/week (every 30s)
Projected block win with 99.9% probability every 41s
(projections DO NOT account for future network and miner growth)

Sealer Balance:    3.242 μFIL
      PreCommit:  0
      Pledge:     1.192 μFIL
      Vesting:    0
      Available:  2.05 μFIL
Market Balance:   0
       Locked:    0
       Available: 0
Worker Balance:   50000000 FIL
Total Spendable:  50000000 FIL

        Total: 2
        Proving: 2

Check whether the registration of the service component is successful

2021-08-05T10:44:01.748+0800    INFO    proof_stream    proofevent/proof_event.go:71    add new connections 278c6798-b6ed-4062-8bde-06b8406ce06a for miner t01000


$ ./venus-gateway miner list

Start venus-miner.

# run 
$ nohup ./venus-miner run --nosync > miner.log 2>& 1 &

Check if storage provider id is properly added.

$ ./venus-miner address state
                "Addr": "f01000",
                "IsMining": true,
                "Err": nil,

You can enable/disable storage providing of a particular storage provider id.

$ ./venus-miner address stop/start f01000

Check venus-miner log.

2021-08-05T12:04:28.562+0800    INFO    miner   miner/minerwpp.go:88    GenerateWinningPoSt took 3.202841ms
2021-08-05T12:04:28.562+0800    INFO    miner   miner/warmup.go:94      winning PoSt warmup successful  {"took": 0.00494326}
2021-08-05T12:04:28.695+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:592 attempting to mine a block      {"tipset": ["bafy2bzacebmqknjl3nzdqsfalfe57u6nzzg5c5uphf3ctm4p2gvdgg33lhels"], "miner": "t01000"}
2021-08-05T12:04:28.699+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:628 Time delta between now and our mining base: 61560s (nulls: 0), miner: t01000
2021-08-05T12:04:28.705+0800    INFO    miner   miner/minerwpp.go:72    Computing WinningPoSt ;[{SealProof:5 SectorNumber:0 SealedCID:bagboea4b5abcbicxvd7mvaigrtsinxy33tjgg6yu24brzazyfwrtoe4ca7efhkav}]; [46 110 203 67 43 156 84 228 212 143 45 167 11 151 84 34 99 202 39 85 145 136 126 180 78 134 159 125 210 112 219 223]
2021-08-05T12:04:28.707+0800    INFO    miner   miner/minerwpp.go:88    GenerateWinningPoSt took 1.802124ms
2021-08-05T12:04:28.707+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:704 mined new block ( -> Proof)     {"took": 0.012012063, "miner": "t01000"}
2021-08-05T12:04:28.707+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:385 mining compute end      {"number of wins": 1, "total miner": 1}
2021-08-05T12:04:28.707+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:394 select message  {"tickets": 1}
2021-08-05T12:04:28.715+0800    INFO    miner   miner/multiminer.go:420 mined new block {"cid": "bafy2bzacedyy2xr3bvsyfd42qzpeiprojza2yyt7wdggeawj2cmtisfjnn4lo", "height": "1", "miner": "t01000", "parents": ["t00"], "took": 0.020098632}

Now deployment of public components and genesis node has been completed.

$ ./venus chain ls
2: (2021-08-05 14:09:55) [ bafy2bzacect5pja2prfkugczbdv2jfpbou4qr3edxxr6g7oo5bny6qklzgama: t01000, ]
3: (2021-08-05 14:09:59) [ bafy2bzacedsl7eyaaiu7oifsdy6zpj2zotbcsnuml45hu5n4erdhygiyeua6s: t01000, ]
4: (2021-08-05 14:10:03) [ bafy2bzacea42xioz3ki33uw7bbjkc5ydt4qs2j55ku2aqy2box4wjcgmzxtny: t01000, ]
5: (2021-08-05 14:10:07) [ bafy2bzacecbmetsiwgms7sbukkkgzstpie5wsdwqsw5hwjqt6eqkuaq23wugs: t01000, ]
6: (2021-08-05 14:10:11) [ bafy2bzacea3ojun5fx2rpplsnevvedhgxgpvwy7afmubcvhf463hdhlfpw4ye: t01000, ]
7: (2021-08-05 14:10:15) [ bafy2bzaced4jqw2p5cejdtlfi7cq4o2treiynkp2lnhfpyss352qlbcdtknti: t01000, ]
8: (2021-08-05 14:10:19) [ bafy2bzacecpmmlobk6qrzoclzu2duy6t4irvnqryyq4libvrlh4ekz3lmihhm: t01000, ]
9: (2021-08-05 14:10:23) [ bafy2bzaceadvy5inclxdbtd2hsd72mijarkzz3rwpzznisf2yhlghushlooeg: t01000, ]
10: (2021-08-05 14:10:27) [ bafy2bzacea3rn3zuiqgp5kxbam3fc3dqnoccktpsfwaukko3amxerpjud2zns: t01000, ]
11: (2021-08-05 14:10:31) [ bafy2bzaceay2tzyd45k3e7tisbbp47gkjsrqs23jgl64wkj6jqryk4grrr7ss: t01000, ]


Please refer to this document (opens new window) for connecting to chain services on 2k network.

# Fund sending on 2k network

As venus chain service (venus shared modules) doesn't support send messages, transferring funds between wallets needs a node dedicated to this task.

Start a venus node for funds sending only.

$ nohup ./venus daemon --genesisfile=devgen.car --network=2k > venus.log 2>&1 &

Set wallet password

$ ./venus wallet set-password
Enter Password again:*
Password set successfully 
You must REMEMBER your password! Without the password, it's impossible to decrypt the key!

Import genesis wallet.

$ ./venus-wallet export t3sjhgun7xcklmyga6x3c5sq6pbncdlmrjmepfz7ms4fuqimtk4fida37dhq7kpq3tn7nyu5hpnn7mtp3a7lia

$ ./venus wallet import
ipfs: Reading from /dev/stdin; send Ctrl-d to stop.

Transfer funds.

$ ./venus send <to> 100

Common commands

$ ./venus wallet list

$ ./venus wallet balance <wallet>

$ ./venus wallet default
$ ./venus wallet set-default <wallet>


Remember to unlock you wallet after restarting or sending will fail.

# Sector sealing

Please refer to this document (opens new window) for sealing sector on 2k network.


  • Attach storage before venus-sealer init
  • Make sure different worker processes has different TMP_DIR set or risk GPU race condition
  • Mannually copy unsealed file to /var/tmp/s-basic-unsealed-2048 for the 1st sector (one time only)
$ cp <unsealed file> /var/tmp/s-basic-unsealed-2048

Seal more sectors.

$ ./venus-sealer sectors list
ID  State    OnChain  Active  Expiration                   Deals  DealWeight  
0   Proving  YES      YES     1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
1   Proving  YES      YES     1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  1      0B          
2   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
3   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
4   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
5   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
6   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
7   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC                 
8   Proving  YES      NO      1550097 (in 10 weeks 1 day)  CC  

$ ./venus-sealer info
Chain: [sync behind! (22s behind)] [basefee 100 aFIL]
Sealer: f01000 (2 KiB sectors)
Power: 40 Ki / 40 Ki (100.0000%)
        Raw: 4 KiB / 4 KiB (100.0000%)
        Committed: 18 KiB
        Proving: 4 KiB