# Venus daemon

This is a step-by-step guide for installing and running a Filecoin node connected to the testnet on your local machine.

# Minimal requirements

To run a venus node, your computer must have:

  • macOS or Linux installed. Windows is not yet supported.
  • 8-core CPU and 32 GiB RAM. Models with support for Intel SHA Extensions (AMD since Zen microarchitecture, or Intel since Ice Lake) will significantly speed things up.
  • Enough space to store the current Lotus chain (preferably on an SSD storage medium). The chain grows at approximately 12 GiB per week. The chain can be also synced from trusted state snapshots and compacted.

# Installing Go

The build process for venus requires Go (opens new window) >= v1.17.

Installing Go for the first time? We recommend this tutorial (opens new window) which includes environment setup.

Due to the use of cgo in venus, a C compiler is required to build it whether a prebuilt library is being used or it is compiled from source. To use gcc (e.g. export CC=gcc), v7.4.0 or higher is required.

The build process will download a static library containing the Filecoin proofs implementation (opens new window) (which is written in Rust).

NOTICE: To build proofs from source, (1) a Rust development environment must be installed and (2) the environment variable FFI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1 must be set. More information can be found in filecoin-ffi (opens new window).

# Installing Rustup

Lotus needs rustup (opens new window). The easiest way to install it is:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh


Make sure your $PATH variable is correctly configured after the rustup installation so that cargo and rustc are found in their rustup-configured locations.

# Install system dependencies

# Linux


sudo pacman -Syu opencl-icd-loader gcc git bzr jq pkg-config opencl-icd-loader opencl-headers hwloc


sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget -y && sudo apt upgrade -y


sudo dnf -y install gcc make git bzr jq pkgconfig mesa-libOpenCL mesa-libOpenCL-devel opencl-headers ocl-icd ocl-icd-devel clang llvm wget hwloc libhwloc-dev


sudo zypper in gcc git jq make libOpenCL1 opencl-headers ocl-icd-devel clang llvm hwloc && sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/libOpenCL.so.1 /usr/lib64/libOpenCL.so

Amazon Linux 2:

sudo yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm; sudo yum install -y git gcc bzr jq pkgconfig clang llvm mesa-libGL-devel opencl-headers ocl-icd ocl-icd-devel hwloc-devel
# MacOS

These instructions are specific to macOS. If you are installing Lotus on a Linux distribution, head over to the Linux section.

# XCode Command Line Tools

Lotus requires that X-Code CLI tools be installed before building the Lotus binaries.

  1. Check if you already have the XCode Command Line Tools installed via the CLI, run:

    xcode-select -p

    If this command returns a path, you can move on to the next step. Otherwise, to install via the CLI, run:

    xcode-select --install
  2. To update, run:

    sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
    xcode-select --install

# Install Homebrew

We recommend that MacOS users use Homebrew (opens new window) to install each of the necessary packages.

  1. Use the command brew install to install the following packages:

    brew install go bzr jq pkg-config rustup hwloc

# Installing dependencies

  1. Clone the venus git repository and enter it:

     mkdir -p /path/to/filecoin-project
     git clone https://github.com/filecoin-project/venus.git /path/to/filecoin-project/venus
  2. Initialize the build dependencies:

    make deps

NOTICE: The first deps start up can be slow, because you need to download and compile filecoin-ffi.

# Building Filecoin and running tests

  1. Build the binary:

  2. Run the unit tests:

    go run ./build test
  3. Optionally, building and tests can be combined:

    go run ./build best

Other handy build commands include:

# Check the code for style and correctness issues
go run ./build lint

# Run different categories of tests by toggling their flags
go run ./build test -unit=false -integration=true -functional=true

# Test with a coverage report
go run ./build test -cover

# Test with Go's race-condition instrumentation and warnings (see https://blog.golang.org/race-detector)
go run ./build test -race

# Deps, Lint, Build, Test (any args will be passed to `test`)
go run ./build all

NOTICE: Any flag passed to go run ./build test (e.g. -cover) will be passed on to go test.

# Start running Filecoin

  1. If venus has been run on the system before, remove existing Filecoin repo (this will delete all previous filecoin data):

    rm -rf ~/.venus
  2. Start the venus daemon:

    venus daemon

This should return "My peer ID is <peerID>", where <peerID> is a long CID (opens new window) string starting with "Qm".

  1. Check the node's connectivity:
    venus swarm peers                  # list addresses of peers to which you're connected

The node should now be connected to some peers and will begin downloading and validating the blockchain.

NOTICE: The daemon is now running indefinitely in its own Terminal (Ctrl + C to quit). To run other venus commands, open a second Terminal tab or window (Cmd + T on Mac)._

_Need help? See Troubleshooting & FAQ or #fil-dev on Matrix chat (opens new window).

# Wait for chain sync

🎉 Congratulations, you're now connected to Filecoin! The daemon is now busy syncing and validating the existing blockchain, which can take awhile -- hours or even days depending on network age and activity.

During this initial sync time ther will be intense activity on one CPU core. Find out what the current block height is first by visiting the network stats page (opens new window) then observe the nodes syncing progress:

venus sync status

# Viewing network information

There are a few visualisation tools to help users understand what is happening within the Filecoin network, such as the official network stats (opens new window) page as well as the community-managed block explorers filscan.io (opens new window), filscout.io (opens new window), and filfox.io (opens new window).

# Module default port

Auth 8989
Gateway 45132
Daemon node 3453
Miner 12308
Sealer 2345
Worker 3456

If you have some problem with connect to module, pls check the default port whether is opened. We can run telnet to debug. Such as 12308